IT&E supports telethon to benefit Guam healthcare workers on the frontline of COVID-19

In support of the University of Guam’s Livestream Telethon to benefit healthcare workers, IT&E is providing phone lines to be used to accept donations.

The UOG Livestream Telethon will be held on April 8, 2020 from 7 PM to 9 PM.

We at IT&E thank all of our healthcare professionals that are working hard to care for our island’s sick. They do so despite the personal risk, and we greatly applaud them. I also want to thank the University of Guam for organizing this fundraising effort. By doing our part, we hope to make the jobs of our doctors, nurses, first responders and others easier and safer. Jim Oehlerking, CEO of IT&E
During times like these, it’s great to see our community come together. Our partnership with IT&E for the UOG Livestream Telethon provides our audience with another way to donate to our frontline healthcare providers. Thomas W. Krise, President of University of Guam 

The goal of the telethon is to raise $20,000 to purchase masks, face shields, hand sanitizer and other needed medical equipment, as well as meals for Guam healthcare workers on the frontlines of COVID-19.

Residents can donate in the following ways:

  • Over the phone by calling one of the following dedicated 10 numbers at the time of the telethon:

(671) 747 – 1171 through 76

(671) 747 -1178

(671) 747-1180 through 1182

In addition, IT&E subscribers will be able to donate via SMS from April 2 to 8, 2020. To donate, IT&E subscribers can text the following to 4357:

  • HELP5 to donate $5
  • HELP10 to donate $10
  • HELP25 to donate $25

IT&E has implemented several relief measures for its subscribers. On March 17, 2020, IT&E announced it is removing data caps for its subscribers. This allows residents to stay updated, keep up with online classes and school assignments, and stay connected to work. In addition, IT&E has pushed back the due date for bills, so that subscribers can pay anytime during the month without late fees.

IT&E remains committed to helping flatten the curve of the spread of COVID-19. Strict sanitization and social distancing procedures are in place at its open location in Harmon.  To further encourage residents to stay home, IT&E launched the Stay Home Challenge for residents to share photos and videos of how they are social distancing at home for a chance to win the latest Samsung device.

About IT&E

IT&E has been delivering connections that matter in Guam and the Marianas for more than 35 years. IT&E is the leading provider of mobile technology and world-class telecommunications services on the widest network. Learn more about IT&E at

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